Brief history

Brief History of Patrick and Bridget McIntyre

Patrick McIntyre (c1831-1901) married Bridget Stevens (c1829-1908) on March 3, 1851 in St. Attracta’s Roman Catholic Church, Toulestrane, County Sligo, Ireland. They had eleven known children. The first five were born in Ireland: Edward (1852-1931); Bartholomew (1854-1924); Mary (1856-1934); Dominick (c1860-1932); and Catherine (1861-1914). Patrick, his wife and five children, left Ireland in 1863 sailing on the SS Orient into New York harbor and finally settling in San Francisco, California where the last six children were born: John Dunn (1864-a1908); Elizabeth (1867-1869); William (1869-1879); James (1871-1874); Thomas (c1874-a1931); and Ellen (1879-1963). Patrick and Bridget homesteaded in Oregon in the 1880s. Patrick died in 1901 and Bridget died in 1908. They are both buried in Mt. Calvary Cemetery, Portland, Oregon.

Patrick's parents, Edward (c1805/6-1881) and Ann McIntyre (c1803/07-1889), both born in Ireland, also came to the US settling in the San Francisco area. From the records, it appears Edward and Ann came a few years before Patrick.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Edward McIntire US Census 1850; New York Census 1855

In researching Edward (1806-1881), the father of Patrick (c1831-1901), Dolly Purcell located his Naturalization date and place in the Great Register, San Francisco County.

Dolly Purcell then located Edward, his wife Ann, and family in the 1850 US Census and the 1855 New York State Census.

1850 US Census, Johnstown, Fulton County, New York

Edward McIntire, male; age 40; birthplace Ireland; Occupation: Laborer; cannot read/write
Ann McIntire, female; age 40; birthplace Ireland; no occupation; Implies can read/write
Catherine McIntire, female; age 9; birthplace England; does not say attending school
Mary McIntire, female, age 14; birthplace England; does not say attending school

Source: 1850 US Census, Johnstown, Fulton, New York; Roll: 506; Page 80B. National Archives Microfilm Publication M432, Accessed on June, 2020 by Dolly Purcell.

1855 New York State Census, Johnstown, Fulton County, New York

Edward McIntire, age 53; male; Head; born in Ireland; married; number of years resident in the city: 7; profession: farmer; naturalized alien, owns land
Ann McIntire, age 52; female; wife; born in Ireland; married; number of years in the city: 7; alien
Catherine McIntire, age 14; female; child; born in England; number of years in the city: 7; alien

Source: 1855 Census of the State of New York, microfilm. Accessed on


  • Why were the girls born in England. Did Edward leave Ireland before 1835?
  • Most likely Mary, who would be about 20 in 1855, is married as she does not appear on the 1855 New York Census
  • Could Mary bc1835 be the Mary McGlauhin noted in the Patrick McIntyre Inquiry, 1863?
  • On Edward's Naturalization Papers he said he came to the US c1842. If he lived in Johnstown for seven years in 1855, where in the US was he and his family between 1842 and 1848?
  • Edward states he owns land. There might be land papers for him in New York state,
  • How did he get from a farm in Johnstown, NY to San Francisco, CA and why?
  • Mary bc1835 and Catherine bc1841 should be siblings of Patrick bc1831.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Edward McIntire's 1854 Naturalization Papers

Edward McIntire/McIntyre (c1806-1818), father of Patrick McIntyre (c1831-1901), applied for Naturalization in 1854. He was living in Johnstown, Fulton County, New York when he was naturalized. He said he had arrived in the US in 1842.

Dolly Purcell located these papers after following an 1867 entry in the Great Register, San Francisco County.


State of New-York} ss.     To the Honorable the County Judge of the County of Fulton:

     I, the subscriber, a resident of Johnstown in the county of Fulton
and formerly a subject of the Government of Great Britain
but now  _______________________________________________
a resident of the United States, sincerely and bona fide wishing to become a citizen thereof, pray your Honorable Court
that I may have the benefit of naturalization according to act of Congress in such cases made and provided.
                Dated, this 4th day of August 1854
                                                                                                                                Edward McIntire (Signature)

FULTON COUNTY } ss. I Edward McIntire being duly sworn in open
Court depose and say that I am now a resident of Johnstown in the county of
Fulton am aged about 48 years, that I came into the United
States about the year A. D. 1842
and have continued to reside therein until this time—that it has been my intention for more than five years to become a
citizen of the United States, and to renounce all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign Prince, Potentate, State, Sover-
eignty and Power whatever and particularly to the Government of Great Britain.

                Subscribed and sworn to in open Court, this 4th day of August 1854
Arch Anderson Clerk (Signature)
                                                                                                                                Edward McIntire (Signature)

FULTON COUNTY} ss. WE David McGlochlin & Jacob Hilton
being duly sworn in open court depose and say that we are citizens of the United States, and residents of
Johnstown Fulton County
that we have been acquainted with Edward McIntyre now present for
the last five years, and during all that time he has resided in Johnstown Fulton for
the last five years
and we believe that it has been his intention during that full period to become a citizen of the United States, that he is
a person of good moral character and attached to the Constitution of the United States, and is well disposed towards the
happiness and good order thereof.

                Subscribed and sworn to in open court, this 4th day of August 1854
Arch Anderson Clerk (Signature)            David McGlochlin (Signature)
                of Fulton County                                             his
Jacob + Hilton

  • Items in blue in the transcription are written in script on the Naturalization document.
  • One wittness, David McGlochlin, has a similar spelling to his last name as a person identified in a communication in the New York Irish Times, McGlauhin. With an Irish accent, I think they would be pronounced very similar. I wonder if there is any relationship?

Source: Naturalization Papers 1845-1858, Image 477, FHL film #007782204. Document provided by Dolly Purcell, June 14, 2020.

Great Register, San Francisco County, 1866-1898

We know that Patrick McIntyre (c1831-1901) immigrated to the US in 1863 and his first child was born in San Francisco in 1864. We  also believe Edward McIntyre (c1806-1881) was in the US before Patrick, but the first "record" we have found of him in California is a voter's registration for August 3, 1867.

In 1866, poll lists were replaced by voter registers know as the Great Registers. Affidavits were used early on to register new voters and information from the affidavits was copied into the Great Registers. So, it is likely that both Edward and Patrick brought copies of their naturalization papers when they went to register to vote.

The Registry Act of 1866 established a formal voting procedure with voter districts and voter registrations recorded in the Great Registers. Early registers were handwritten and kept by each county in large manuscript ledgers. When a voter moved from a precinct, his name was "red lined" in the register, with the county (or precinct) to which he moved penciled in. Registers included notations of death (often including date and place), removal, insanity, or infamy.

On this document from the Great Register, San Francisco County, page 262, both Edward and Patrick are listed. They are highlighted in yellow below

The two highlighted entries read:

Voting No.: 24583
Regis'd No.: 19268
Name: McIntire, Edward
Age: 62
Nativity: Ireland
Occupation: Laborer
Local Residence: Larkin & Francisco
Ward: 12
Voted or Not Voted: BLANK
Naturalized - Date, Place and Court: August 4, 1854, Johnson, Fulton Co. Co.
(Dolly Purcell learned this should have read: Johnstown, Fulton County Court. New York)
Date of Registration: August 3, 1867

Voting No.: 24597
Regis'd No.: 35480
Name: McIntyre, Patrick
Age: 38
Nativity: Ireland
Occupation: Laborer
Local Residence: Fran b Polk and Lark (Francisco between Polk and Larkin)
Ward: 12
Voted or Not Voted: BLANK
Naturalized - Date, Place and Court: Aug. 19, 1869, San Francisco, 12th Dis
Date of Registration: August 19, 1869

The men's ages, Patrick 38 and Edward 62 are in agreement with what we know about the two of them.

In an earlier blog post "Patrick and Edward McIntyre/McIntire - San Francisco 1861-1883" several times Patrick and Edward are shown as living at the same "address" as noted in this Great Register.

Of note are the dates of naturalization. For Patrick it is 1869 and unfortunately, the naturalization records for San Francisco were destroyed in the 1906 earthquake. But, Edward's naturalization took place in Fulton County, New York and a copy of the naturalization papers has been located on FamilySearch by Dolly Purcell.

  • Great Register, San Francisco County, accessed by Dolly Purcell, June 12, 2020. Original source: California State Library, Sacramento, California.
  • Information on the California Great Registers from FamilySearch Historical Records, accessed June 13 by Elaine Beaudoin

Monday, June 15, 2020

Paul Kreft, Kate McIntyre and their children

The fifth child of Patrick McIntyre (c1831-1901) and Bridget Stevens (c1829-1908) is Catherine/Katherine/Kate McIntyre (1861-1914). Kate married Paul Ludwig Ferdinand Kreft (1848-1900) in California in 1878. Paul and Kate had eight children together.

Paul and Kate Kreft

Kate McIntyre Kreft (1861-1914)
Born in Lislea, County Sligo, Ireland, she was baptized at St. Attracta Church in the Catholic Parish of Kilmacteige, County Sligo on 04 May 1861. She died 01 May 1914 in The Dalles, County Wasco, Oregon.

"Mrs. Kate Kreft (nee McIntyre) was born in county Sligo, Ireland on March 17, 1862.  While she was still a baby her parents emigrated to America, arriving in San Francisco early in 1864. In 1877 Miss McIntyre was married in San Francisco to Paul L. Kreft. Of eight children, the issue of this union, four survive their mother.  They are Mrs. Henrietta Burchtorf and Mrs. William Wells of this city, Mrs. James Keane of Portland and Paul L. Kreft of Pendleton.

Mr & Mrs. Kreft came to Oregon in the year 1879, residing for a short time on a ranch, the property of the McIntyre family. In 1880 they came to The Dalles where Mr. Kreft engaged in business until a serious illness forced him to retire.  He lingered on in an invalid condition for over a year, and passed away on July 23, 1900.

Of Mrs. Kreft's faithfulness and loyalty as a wife and mother; her devotion to Mr. Kreft during his last illness when for many months she never left his bedside; of the energy and industry she displayed in providing and caring for her family, it is needless to write, as all the persons concerned are well acquainted with the facts.

It is chiefly an account of her indomitable courage, patience and cheerfulness in the face of veritable mountains of sorrows and misfortune that her memory will be cherished by her numerous friends and acquaintances. This is not the place in which to recount the many vicissitudes through which Mrs. Kreft and her family passed. Suffice it to say that seldom does it fall to the lot of one mother or one family to be visited as they were. But, through all, Mrs. Kreft maintained a brave and cheery disposition, with which was combined Christian charity, and a generosity that was almost a fault - every ready to nurse the sick, aid the needy, console the unfortunate.

Surely, if charity be the greatest virtue, this sweet and noble soul has earned and received the welcome greeting of its maker - "Well done, thou good and faithful servant; enter into the joy of thy Lord."

Source: The Dalles Daily Chronicle, May 4, 1914. Received from Dolly Purcell, via email, May 4, 2014

Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Oregon
Photo Source: Find A Grave memorial #44992852, created by Dolly Purcell, 1 Dec 2009.

Paul Ludwig Ferdinand Kreft (1848-1900)
Born 20 May 1848 in  in Neufahrwasser, Westpreussen, Preussen, Germany (Prussia) to Carl August Kreft and Dorothea Henriette Stein. Paul arrived in California when he was a teenager. Paul died 23 Jul 1900. 

"After a long and painful illness, Paul Kreft died at 3:30 yesterday afternoon at his home in this city, aged 52 years, 2 months and 3 days.

Mr. Keft (sic) was born in Danizer, Prussia, May 20, 1848, and came to California when 16 years of age, residing there until 1881, when he came to The Dalles, making this his home until the time of his death. In 1878 he was united in marriage with Kate McIntyre in San Francisco.  She and six children, Henriette, Bertha, Charles, Edward, Paul and Nellie, survive him, while two children have preceded him to the grave, one daughter having been killed in a runaway accident here four years ago.

Mr. Kreft was a painter by trade, and for several years conducted a paint store here.  For the past years his health has been failing, and a few months since he went to San Francisco, hoping to gain relief, but his malady was incurable, and since his return home he has patiently awaited his final summons.  He was an honored member of Mt. Hood camp, W. O. W., and was universally respected by the entire community.

During his residence in The Dalles Mr. Kreft held a number of official positions, and on the death of Dr. Rhinehart, who was major, he was selected by the council to serve the unexpired term as chief executive of the city."

Source believed to be: The Dalles Daily Chronicle, July 24, 1900. Original copy provided by Dolly Purcell, May 5, 2014.

Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Oregon

Photo Source: Find A Grave memorial# 15203681, created by Piper 9 Aug 2006, maintained by Dolly Purcell.

Paul and Kate had eight children

May Alice Kreft (1879-1880)
Alice was living with her mother, Kate, and her grandparents in June, 1880 in Highland Point, Oregon. She was eight months old when she died on July 23, 1880. Alice is buried in Holy Cross Catholic Cemetery, Colma, California. For information on Alice, see this post written on her.

Frances Elizabeth Kreft (1881-1896)
She was born 25 August 1881 and baptized on 13 Oct 1881 at St. John Parish, Oregon City, Clackamas, Oregon. When she was just 15 years old she was dragged by a runaway horse and buggy and died from the injuries on 29 July 1896 in The Dalles, Oregon. She is buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Wasco, Oregon.

Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Oregon

Sources: Dolly Purcell email "Kreft family," May 31, 2020; Ellen McIntyre Stanton (Sp) October 5, 1965 letter. Gravestone Find A Grave, memorial# 15413900, created 18 Aug 2006 by Piper, maintained by Dolly Purcell. 

Henrietta Clara Kreft Burchtorf (1883-1962)
Born 25 May 1883 in The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon, Henrietta married Edward Burchtorf. She died 06 Jul 1962 in Portland Oregon and is buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Oregon.

Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Oregon

Sources: Dolly Purcell email "Kreft family" May 31, 2020; Oregonian 8 July 1962 page 42; Oregon Journal 10 July 1962; and The Dalles Chronicle 07 July 1962. Gravestone from Find A Grave, created by Piper 9 Aug 2006, maintained by Dolly Purcell.

Agnes Bertha Kreft Keane (1885-1967)
She was born 29 Sept 1885 in The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon and baptized 08 Oct 1885 at St. Peter's Catholic Church, The Dalles. She married James Keane.  She went by the name Bertha during her life and died 06 May 1967.  She is buried at Mount Calvary Cemetery, Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon with her husband, James.

Mount Calvary Cemetery, Portland, Oregon

Sources: Dolly Purcell email "Kreft family" May 31, 2020; FindAGrave memorial 134709413 created by J McL, 22 Aug 2014; US SS Application and Claims Index for Bertha Kreft Keane on

Charles August Kreft (1887-1904)
Charles was born 7 August 1887 in The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon and was baptized on 04 Sep 1887 at St. Peter's Catholic Church in The Dalles. He died from a drowning accident at 16 years of age on 10 July 1904 in The Dalles. He is buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles. 

Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Oregon

Sources: Dolly Purcell email "Kreft family" May 31, 2020; FindAGrave memorial 15203666, created by Piper on 9 Aug 2006; maintained by Dolly Purcell.

Edward William Kreft (1890-1910)
Born on 20 Feb 1890 in The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon, Edward died of tuberculosis on 26 Nov 1910. He was only 20 years old. Edward is buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in The Dalles.

Sources: Dolly Purcell email "Kreft family," May 31, 2020 including Oregon State board of Health #3638 and Wasco County Vital Statistics; FindAGrave, memorial #44828039, created by Dolly Purcell, 26 Nov 2009.

Paul Louis Frederick Kreft (1893-1975)
Paul was born in The Dalles, Wasco County Oregon on 30 Mar 1893. He married twice, once to Ella Luella Lewis in 1913 and then to Anna Elizabeth Jones on 04 Sep 1927. He died in Twin Falls, Twin Falls County, Idaho on 22 Jun 1975. He is buried in Twin Falls, Twin Falls County, Idaho with his second wife, Anna.

Twin Falls Cemetery, Idaho

Sources: Find A Grave, memorial# 44824576, created by Dolly Purcell, 26 Nov 2009. Photo by ForeverRemembered.

Ellen Marie "Nell" Kreft (1895-1918)
Born on 09 Mar 1895 in The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon, she married William Wells on 11 Feb 1913 and when they divorced, she restored her maiden name. She died on 27 Jan 1918 in Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon. Her death record states it was a suicide.  She is buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in The Dalles.

"Kreft - January 26, Nell Kreft, aged 23 years, sister of Mrs. James Keane, Mrs. Etta Burchtorf and Paul Kreft. Remains at Dunning & McEntee's parlors, from where they will be forwarded to The Dalles, Or., today (Monday) at 10 A. M."  The Morning Oregonian, 28 Jan 1918, page 12.

Odd Fellows Cemetery, The Dalles, Oregon

Sources: Dolly Purcell email "Kreft family," May 31, 2020; FindAGrave memorial #15413581 created by Piper 18 Aug 2006; maintained by Dolly Purcell; 

Special thanks to Dolly Purcell who provided the bulk of the information on the above.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Frank Antonio McIntyre Majano 1967-2019 Remembered

Frank is the son of Blanca Marina Majano and Frank McIntyre Calderon (1907-1977), grandson of Bartholomew McIntyre (1854-1924) and Paula Calderon (1887-?).  He was born in San Salvador, El Salvador on 25 Nov 1967 and lived there his entire life. As an adult, he married Dora Alvarado Arevalo and was employed in the construction business, not too unlike his grandfather, Bartolo. 

Frank died on 27 July 2019 in San Salvador. He is buried with his father and grandfather in El Cementerio General de San Salvador.

His gravestone reads:

Frank Antonio McIntyre
25 Nov. 1967
27 July 2019

I remember: From your loved ones You will always live in our hearts

Rest in Peace, Frank Antonio.

Sources: Photos from Marina McIntyre-Steffan including a copy of his death certificate.

Who is Alice?

In the 1880 US Census for Highland Pointe, County Clackamas, Oregon, Patrick McIntyre (c1831-1901) is listed as head of household and there is a granddaughter named "Allice McIntyre" who is 7 years old.  Who is this "Allice?"

Detail shows:

None of the children listed are old enough to have a 7 year old child. We know the other children of Patrick and Bridget: Mary didn't marry until 1875; Edward didn't marry until c1877; Bartholomew was living in Mexico in 1872/3 when Allice would have been born.

Of note, Kate is listed as 18 years old, a daughter of Patrick and Bridget, widowed, and without occupation. 


However, in the 1880 US Census for San Francisco, California, her husband, Paul Kreft is listed:

Kreft, Paul, White, Male, 33, Boarder, married, Seaman, born in Russia

So, it seems that Paul Kreft was a seamen in June, 1880 and Kate most likely went to live with her parents in Oregon. I believe that Bridget and children might have moved to the Oregon homestead with Patrick sometime after December, 1879, when their son, William, was killed in a car accident in San Francisco.


We don't have a marriage record for Paul Kreft and Kate McIntyre, but his obituary, written in 1900, states they married in 1878.


In a letter from Kate's niece, Ellen McIntyre, daughter of Dominick and Mary McDonald, she writes in 1965 to Mrs. Stratford that Kate and Paul had a daughter, Alice, who died as an infant. See letter:

In the letter, Ellen writes "My sister (Sarah) says there were no other children in the Kreft family. One named Alice who died as an infant and another named Frances who was killed in a horse and buggy runaway."


On Find-A-Grave there is an entry for May Alice Kreft, daughter of Paul and Kate:

Additionally, it reads: 

The entry was created by Athanatos, added 11 Mar 2013.


Paul Kreft's 1900 obiturary reads:

Paul Kreft
After a long and painful illness, Paul Kreft died at 3:30 yesterday afternoon at his home in this city, aged 52 years, 2 months and 3 days.

Mr. Keft (sic) was born in Danizer, Prussia, May 20, 1848, and came to California when 16 years of age, residing there until 1881, when he came to The Dalles, making this his home until the time of his death. In 1878 he was united in marriage with Kate McIntyre in San Francisco.  She and six children, Henriette, Bertha, Charles, Edward, Paul and Nellie, survive him, while two children have preceded him to the grave, one daughter having been killed in a runaway accident here four years ago.

Mr. Kreft was a painter by trade, and for several years conducted a paint store here.  For the past years his health has been failing, and a few months since he went to San Francisco, hoping to gain relief, but his malady was incurable, and since his return home he has patiently awaited his final summons.  He was an honored member of Mt. Hood camp, W. O. W., and was universally respected by the entire community.

During his residence in The Dalles Mr. Kreft held a number of official positions, and on the death of Dr. Rhinehart, who was major, he was selected by the council to serve the unexpired term as chief executive of the city.

Source believed to be: The Dalles Daily Chronicle, July 24, 1900. Original copy provided by Dolly Purcell, May 5, 2014.


So, we know/have:

1. A grandchild "Allice McIntyre" age 7 years listed on the 1880 US Census with Patrick and Bridget McIntyre in Oregon.
2. None of Patrick and Bridget's children, with the exception of  Mary, Edward and Bartholomew, were old enough/married to have a child 7 years old. 
3. It is unlikely Allice is the child of Edward who married in c1877; Mary who married in 1875; or, Bartholomew who was living in Mexico in 1872/3 when Alice would have been born.
4. Paul and Kate married in 1878.
5. We have a letter from the daughter of Dominick, Kate's brother, that Paul and Kate had a daughter Alice that died as an infant.
6. A child, May Alice, daughter of Paul and Kate was buried on July 23, 1880 and was 8 months old.
7. Paul Kreft's obituary in 1900 states he had two children who "preceded him to the grave."
8.  We know the names of seven of Paul and Kate's eight children. They are listed on

Given the information available, it is believed that "Allice McIntyre" age 7 years on the 1880 US Census is actually May Alice Kreft, first born daughter of Paul and Kate Kreft and was 7 months old at the time of the census.

The census taker may have been told that Kate's husband was "gone" and he surmised Paul Kreft was dead, because he was not living with her.  And the census taker probably just left off the "months" for Allice when he transcribed the information on to the census sheet.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Letter from Ellen McIntyre Schantin to Ella Luella Lewis Stratford, 1965

This letter written on October 5, 1965 by Ellen McIntyre Schantin, daughter of Dominick McIntyre (c1856-1932) and Mary McDonald (1868-1936), is in response to an inquiry of Ella Luella Stratford (1898-1993), the first wife of Paul Kreft (1893-1975). Ella and Paul divorced 8 Nov 1924.

Ellen was a first cousin to Paul Kreft (1893-1975), the first husband of the now Mrs. Stratford.

Letter transcription:

                                                                                                                                Portland, Oreg
                                                                                                                                Oct 5th, 1965

Dear Mrs. Stratford: -

                Am sorry not to have answered your nice letter sooner, but it seems this is the year that everyone decided to visit me.

Had company from Calif, Wisconsin and Virginia and when the tourist season was over found had not even started the things I had intended to do.

I am the youngest (Ellen McIntyre Satantin) of the family (though not young). Am sixty seven and a widow and live alone. I have four children, seven grandchildren and soon will be Great Grandma.

Grandpa McIntyre (Patrick) lived with us for several years, but I was only three years old when he died so of course do not remember him. So about all I know is hear say.

I asked my sister (Sarah) who is six years older than I if she knew Grandma McIntyre’s maiden name and she said it was Bridget Stevens. She did not know what part of Ireland they came from or when they came over. But that they had several (5 children Edward, Bartholomew, Mary, Dominick, Kate) children when they came.

Page 2

The last aunt on the McIntyre side passed away two and a half years ago. But in the last seven or eight years she was very confused and senile. Her name was Ellen Frances Flaherty. They had no children so when her husband died, I was appointed her guardian. I put her things in a closet upstairs and there may be some family pictures among it. If there are I will send them to you. I haven’t gone through her things since she died, but must get at it sometime.

My sister (Katherine), my aunt & husband all died within eight months and it has kept me busy ever since untangling their affairs. My sister (Sarah) and I went to see Bird (Agnes Bertha Mattie Kreft) about a month ago and she was in the Hosp. so we went there and found she had fallen and broken her arm. She used to phone me about every week, but I haven’t heard from her since and hate to call her for fear she might try to answer the phone and fall again.

Page 3

She is very senile and was eighty years old Sept 30th.  She too is quite confused. My sister says there were no other children in the Kreft family. One named Alice who died as an infant and another named Frances who was killed in a horse and buggy runaway. She also said the one you have listed as “Nettie” was Nellie. Our grandfather McIntyre’s first name was Patrick. She says she recalls hearing Bird say her father (Paul L. F. Kreft) was a seaman in San Francisco before becoming a painter.

We had our first rain in six weeks last night. So I guess our summer is over and it was a very hot one.

I don’t think I have been much help, but it is about all I know not that is hear say.

Sincerely yours,

Ellen Schantin

1. The red inclusion of information was provided by Dolly Kreft Purcell. 
2. The letter transcription was done by Elaine McIntyre Beaudoin.
3. Agnes Bertha Mattie Kreft, nicknamed "Bird," is the sister of Paul Kreft (1893-1975)
4. The Alice referred to in the letter is believed to be the first born child of  Paul (1848-1900) and Kate (McIntyre 1861-1914) Kreft.

Source: The original letter is held by Dolly Kreft Purcell, granddaughter of Ella Luella Lewis. It was scanned and made available on May 26, 2020.  Ellen McIntyre's married name was updated July 12, 2020.